Friday, September 4, 2009

Second KL morning

Slept over at Atine's place, I found her very acive in talking although she was very sleepy! She has a paper to test on today, thus we did not chat till this morning. know lar, girls...

I found a lot of home made blankets and accessories in atine's room. They are all made by Atine's mum and she is great! Mummy, when can I have one? *grins*

Woke up at 8.30am while atine was preparing to go out to school. Taken my bath and tada, I am here^^


Beatrice said...

She's slimmer. :)

Beatrice said...

Btw,I want one too.

rochelle said...

but... ah jun seems to be a bit... errr.... not dare to say.. hehe

Jun said...

haha, I know I am fat lar^^ I wont mind because it will be a past=)