Sunday, August 30, 2009


MERDEKA!!! Happy 52nd birthday to Malaysia! Satu Malaysia dan Malaysia Boleh!!

As a Malaysian student, I am proud of Malaysia honestly. Malaysian students are nothing worse than the foreign students! Honestly, I think we are good^^

Erm, yea, I am just here to wish Malaysia her 52nd birthday and I did hear fire crackers for 5 minutes from Dataran Sibu? I am not sure where it was released.

Thank you Malaysia, because of your birthday, we have holiday *grins* Everyone is having their rest, no works no studies, thus, I have no car learning lesson early in the morning today^^

Gonna have a nice sound sleep!!

A bad day for my sis


Take care guys, do not let yourself contract the H1N1 virus!Health is important so em..just take care and take this matter seriously *grins*




Saturday, August 29, 2009





对了,MIC MIC 明天IELTS SPEAKING 要加油哦!! 靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能做!



Friday, August 28, 2009


I just listened to this song and I would like to share this to those who are considered as my best and good friends.



Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Day spent with friends and family

Had breakfast at the market with Wenn D, Cindy, Dina, Siew Ching, Chang Hwa, and Stephanie.

Who ARE late? Chang Hwa and Stephanie. Chang Hwa overslept until I messaged him *sigh* Stephanie was late because she followed her mum to buy something somewhere else. It's ok^^

I spent my afternoon on my bed with Garfield bed sheet. Cosy.

I went swimming with my family without my younger sis in the evening. My dad was not allowed to swim because he did not have a suitable swimming trunk but my mum, my sis and I had a wonderful time swimming here and there. *grins* Tired since swimming needs a lot of stamina.

Went to my grandma house and visited her. She is still funny in the way she acted. I realised she is really old.

Need to do some preparation for Saturday night. Powerpoint, I am coming!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A day with sisters

Had my breakfast with Clara and Angela to discuss about the meeting on this Saturday at the youth fellowship.

Saw Chiong Ho, Yii Ting and Zhi Jun at the market. Chiong Ho is still surrounded by girls, or I should say he mixes up with girls better? *grins*

Gathered at Ah Yuan's house with ah huang and siew ching. We went to a bakery where Ah yuan ordered a cake for her mum and to Sugarbun to have some light meals. Oh yea, we strolled in Delta Mall as Ah yuan was looking for a suitable shoes for her prom night with theme black and white and i supposed gold as well?

Have had a nice day with my sisters^^ Treasure it very much.

I found that I did not take any pictures with my sisters since I came back here!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

KL trip

I have a boring day today until now, when I am going out for shopping! Besides, I am going to collect my spectacles which I lost it when I was in Newcastle. *grins* I know I am careless, very careless, should attach a strap at the specs, hehe

I had booked an air ticket to KL next thursday, which is on the 3rd of September. My dear friends in KL, I am coming!!!!!! I miss you all so much that I fly there to meet you all!! The main reason I am going to KL is to renew my visa. haha!

First and foremost, many thanks to atine who is going to spare her place for me to sleep and spend her time accompanying me to somewhere else in KL. I want to sleep with you atine, on the same bed!!! Let me hug you!!!! Thank you atine!!! very much!!! Muaks muaks.

Secondly, many thanks to Mich Mich who is going to study very hard these days so that she can accompany me when I am in KL!!! You are great dear!!! Study hard ya^^

Dear friends who have exam soon, study hard these days ya? To achieve good results? Nah, for a more important reason, so that you all can accompany me when I go to KL, hehehe! Muaks muaks muaks. I wana meet you all, atine, ah huang, abai, mich, maybe those in INTEC, SUNWAY and whatever U in KL? Oh yea, Jialik and Loy as well? Ah Ling and Joyce too? Miss you all so much!

*grins* very excited!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Car driving Trial Test

I have my car driving trial test today. I drove Iswara inside and used Kelisa when I drove out the road. I was not familiar with the Kelisa. A bit clutch released in Iswara equals to a lot for Kelisa. What to do? I can only co-ordinate myself and get familiar with Kelisa lor....

Quite worried.

By the way, I passed my trial test though the driving test out the road was not very smooth. GOD bless me this time and for sure next time *grins*

2nd day with ah yuan

Yesterday, the 23th of August, I had my breakfast with Ah yuan, Shan Shan, Siew Ching and Yann at 'Coffee Day'-- direct translation of 咖啡日.

I had KAMPUA for my first time since I came back here since eating kampua is fat, my mum said so. I am on diet ok? ^^

We chatted and crapped again. They said girls talked a lot, but I totally disagree. Boys talk a lot too, i am not mentioning anyone yea? *grins*

Forgot to introduce Shan Shan, she is a friend of ah yuan in Maktab who is from Sabah and she spends her holiday in Sibu with Ah Yuan. She has small eyes with very sweet smile. She is cute! I am serious! *grins*

Without our knowledge, she closed the tab for us. Should I say her generous or what? Anyway, THANK YOU VERY MUCH SHAN SHAN! oops, actually I am not very sure whether your name is spelled this way or not *blush*

I am happy to meet Siew Ching too, miss her very much, just dont know why^^

3rd day with ah huang while 1st for ah yuan

I spent my third day with ah huang on the 22th of August with ah yuan. Ah yuan just came back on the 21th and we spent time together at '知音', our old gathering place.

Since ah huang just done her hair straightening, she had not eaten her lunch yet, so ordered noodles and I shared salad sotong with ah yuan *grins* The foods were just normal, nothing very special thou.

Ah yuan bought some little presents for ah huang, abai and I which are used to hang on our mobile phone. Ah huang grabbed the one ah yuan wanted from her, haha, bad ah huang! ^^

We chatted and crapped over the meals. Ah yuan shared her experience in Maktab, Kuching while ah huang shared her sadness and happiness. It had been a while since our last gathering. Miss the time so much!

Oh yea, dear ah huang, your hair looks good and nice! Dont worry=) you are the prettiest in my heart!
Ah yuan, are you next?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I found it

I found the treasure!

Before I departed to Newcastle early this January, my dad gave me some Malaysia Ringgit, quite a big amount, for me to buy the air ticket from Kuala Lumpur to Sibu when I came back this August since he had not bought one for me before I left.

Since it was a big amount, I put it into a red packet and kept it safe. I totally forgotten where I kept it and totally forgotten about its existence!

Before I came back this August, my dad had bought me a ticket, so I did not look for the money and my dad did not mention about it until I came back. He was so sure that he gave me that amount of money but I was totally blank! Where had I keep the money?

He mentioned about this for days and just now he repeated again. I remembered that my backpack has a lot of pockets and hidden pockets. I rummaged my backpack and finally I saw the red packet! Hurray! The money was there. I did not know that I carried that money to school everyday. Luckily, they were safe^^

Old me! I could only say that I WAS old and careless. *grin*

A reminder for myself: Please remember where you put the money! Quoted from my dad, money is cute! ^^

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2nd day with ah huang

We made our date 8.30am yesterday but we only arrived the market at 9am. Still need to ask why? Ah huang overslept! Easy easy^^

9-10am had breakfast with ah huang, abu and Kee chiong in the market

10-11am visited SMK Tung Hua
Ah Lai chased us away with the reason that we are risky of H1N1. But we still could stay in the school for 1 hour because we sneaked into the staff room and had short chatting with our dear teachers :
Miss Wee, Mr Wong Sing Yew, Puan Ling our principal, Puan Su, Puan Martha, Mrs Jenny, Cikgu Ling Chieh Wei, and Mr Francis Wong.
We missed the chance to chat with Miss Wong Pei Funn ler...Miss her WELI ^^

11-12pm visited SJKC Tung Hua, and luckily we could meet Miss Chan, remember that she whacked me when I was in Primary 5? Still love her anyway *grins*

12-1pm Ah huang and I spent our time at my home, have some light lunch *yummy* We have jagung!! I mean corn^^ Then we chat heart to heart...=)

That's the first session*grins* I had so much fun time with dear ah huang, hehe!

To be continued...

Second session!

1-3pm We went to take ah huang's laptop which was taken to reformat, then went to Happy Hair to get ah huang's fringe cut, next we went to Uncle Dom which is opened by ah huang's mummy friend.

We had Sibu Mee and yam smoothie at Uncle Dom. Quite nice but not for the wireless connection. We could not connect to the wireless of Uncle Dom. They gave us the password, i mean network key but we could still not connected to the wireless. *sigh*

3-5pm Ah huang I spent time at my house again. We had a very wonderful time downloading and installing programs into ah huang's laptop. I did not know what was so wonderful, just happy to spend time with ah huang *grins* maybe it is because that i spend time with someone i love very much.

Muaks muaks dear^^

Monday, August 17, 2009

I won RM10 from my sis

Oh yea, I forgot to mention something interesting last few days. It happened one eveing when my family and I were having our dinner. Suddenly, we heard rain dripping.

I: It's raining!
Sis: Impossible. It wont rain at this time.
I: It is, I am so sure!
Sis: Let's place a bet. I pay you RM10 if it is raining NOW!
I: Deal!

Apparently, I won *grins* So I earned RM10 and I claimed it today^^

I will be going to have a tea or coffee with ah huang again tomorrow. I have the money, RM10^^

Sunday, August 16, 2009

1st day with Allan Soon

Forgotten to mention about Allan Soon, yea, I hung out with him yesterday after youth fellowship. He is still 'childish' or should I say innocent like what Ah huang have described? It is nothing bad ok? ^^

We went to Everwin Food Court, which used to be something like Fantasy Food Court? We had ABC special? I think. Allan treated me, thank you very much Allan Soon^^

You are my very good sister^^ OOPpss...*grins*

1st day spent with Ah huang

Today is my first day meeting my dear ah huang since she came back yesterday! I miss her soooooo much! We went to Masland methodist Church together, for the first time too^^

  • 7-9pm Masland Church
  • 9-10pm Somewhere Cafe (din know the place excatly)
  • 10-10.10pm Talk in the car

We have not talked and crapped enough, you know that right? We are girls^^ Gona hang out with her again soon! Muaks dear!!!






Friday, August 14, 2009

Come back

Dear Ah huang, you are coming back tomorrow since it is your last paper today! Come back, fast!!!! Miss you soooooo much!!! ^^

Anyway, gambate in your legal paper ya^^ muaks muaks! =)

We have to plan hanging out together, talking over the tea for the whole afternoon or morning, huh, miss you so much!! I have been back for one week but I can hardly find someone intimate to chat with, where are you, my dear friends!!! To date, I have only found Allan Soon who is still in Form Six Tung Hua, poor him^^

Have a nice day, I am bored!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

4th day of the car lesson

Today is the 4th day of my car lesson. Everyday, I have my car lesson with a nervous heart>< because my teacher is strict, very strict, i mean, she scolds a lot IF I did any mistakes. So I have to be very careful everytime. *sweat*

Today, I learnt parking the car. Quite smooth WITH the teacher besides me. Huh, wondering when can i finish the car lesson and pass everything and finally get my small piece of P driving lesson.

*wish wish*

*hope hope*

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bye to INTO friends

i left Newcastle airport at the 5th of August, 1.35pm local time.

We took a lot of group photos, I gona miss them so much!!! Those from Malaysia, China and Brunei^^

Ryan, Leeveen, Charlotte, Jasmine, Daphne, Loy, Ling, Kuo Jian, Jialik and Yazmin
Joyce, Vicher, Miya, Neo, Xiaoshi who are not in the photo.

Yea, I know, I know exactly, I grow FAT!!! ><

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dubai Airport

Hai everyone, finally, I have time to update my blog!!!! Why? I am now waiting in Dubai Airport for the flight to Kuala Lumpur!! ^^

I am coming home, my dear family and friends!!! What a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong distance!! 7 hours from Newcastle to Dubai and another 7 hours from Dubai to Kuala Lumpur. To reach Sibu, 3 more hours since Ling and I are going to transit in Kuching!!! Going to be a very very tiring day. In ADDITION, I have travel sickness...@@

Let's guess, am I going to vomit later? ^^

See ya guys in Sibu then!!! muaks muaks muaks!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Start packing my final packing tomorrow. Ah ling is so efficient in packing, reducing all the spaces and make everything compact!! Bravo dear!

I am going to do some laundry works, return my Henderson Hall's room key by tomorrow morning, then do some shopping and finally, Ling is going to see a doctor which appointment had been made today.

Packing, moving, unpack, and pack again to go big room has hardly space and path to walk..

Very tired, gona take a rest, afraid that I will get sick before I fly home..

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thank you Carter

I have reached my new home in Sunderland, not very nice, yellow light, broken cupboard, partly hanging curtains, an old computer desk, a make up desk, and 2 sofa, which is going to shared with my sis...


Highly appreciate Carter. Very much. Who helped Ah Ling, Joyce and I to move without hesitation. Thaaaaaaaaaank you Carter!!! *grins^^


Moving today^^

17 boxes and bags...I did not realise that I have so MUCH properties before....

1 more hour, I will be carrying boxes up and down the stairs!!

Yosh!! New accommodation, new place! *grins*