Monday, August 24, 2009

3rd day with ah huang while 1st for ah yuan

I spent my third day with ah huang on the 22th of August with ah yuan. Ah yuan just came back on the 21th and we spent time together at '知音', our old gathering place.

Since ah huang just done her hair straightening, she had not eaten her lunch yet, so ordered noodles and I shared salad sotong with ah yuan *grins* The foods were just normal, nothing very special thou.

Ah yuan bought some little presents for ah huang, abai and I which are used to hang on our mobile phone. Ah huang grabbed the one ah yuan wanted from her, haha, bad ah huang! ^^

We chatted and crapped over the meals. Ah yuan shared her experience in Maktab, Kuching while ah huang shared her sadness and happiness. It had been a while since our last gathering. Miss the time so much!

Oh yea, dear ah huang, your hair looks good and nice! Dont worry=) you are the prettiest in my heart!
Ah yuan, are you next?

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