Monday, August 10, 2009

Bye to INTO friends

i left Newcastle airport at the 5th of August, 1.35pm local time.

We took a lot of group photos, I gona miss them so much!!! Those from Malaysia, China and Brunei^^

Ryan, Leeveen, Charlotte, Jasmine, Daphne, Loy, Ling, Kuo Jian, Jialik and Yazmin
Joyce, Vicher, Miya, Neo, Xiaoshi who are not in the photo.

Yea, I know, I know exactly, I grow FAT!!! ><


Sharon said...

Take it easy girl =] It's normal.. I grow fat as well for my first year.!

Jun said...


Jun said...


min said...

u have the group photo with Miya in? Whose camera got ah?

Jun said...
