"A two-year-old who had seen characters on the children's television show Tweenies dial 999 called the emergency services after her mother collapsed."
How amazing Isabelle is. She had recently watched an episode of Tweenies and learnt how to dial 999. She managed to open the door and let in the neighbours and the paramedics.
Cheers to Isabelle for her ability to retain knowledge and information.^^
In conclusion, watching television is harmless and have more pros to cons. hahaha! This is the main point of this post.=)
The last post…
1 year ago
this is just.... unbelievably lame...
but, i found out the reason for the lack of heat these few days - there's a gas leak near the entrance to the reception... since HH has a gas heating supply, we've got no more hot water.. =/
what so lame? you mean isabelle or the princess flu? XD
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