Friday, July 31, 2009
P-A-R-T-Y-I-N-G *grins*
Bye and take care^^
I know it is a very short post, but it shows how busy am I after exam. Busier than exam week. =p
Final day of Final Exam
I am going to have my Biology 2 paper later. Hopefully I can bow to anyone else again, indicating that I can do the paper. 7 more hours to freedom!!!!! Actually I have started enjoying myself yesterday*grin*
Before that, let me do some revisions since I am so fresh now!!
What is a neurone? It is the basic unit of the nervous system.
What is a sarcomere? It is the repeating contractile unit of a muscle cell.
Revision! .....To be continued separately from this post.....
Take care and have a nice day!! *Totally free from the tension of H1N1*
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Last Paper Remaining!!
We had title on process of hydro-electricity generation, advantage and disadvantage of hrdro-electricity generation and to what extent hydro-electricity reduce global energy crisis, something like that.
Firstly, highly appreaciate Mr. Kong who taught me Physics last year, because of him, bragging about his house by the seaside and a hydroelectric power station beside his house, which I clearly remember, I could write the essay with some physics scientific terms like potential energy and kinetic energy just now. *bow to Mr. Kong*
Secondly, writing paper was done!
Thirdly, the remaining paper is Biology 2 which will be taken tomorrow!
Next, Ah Ling is going to cook rendang and glutinous santan rice today because she has finished her exam, she does not take extra Biology 2 subject!!!! We are going to have our dinner with Jialik and Xiaoshi! Yum Yum!! I am hungry!!!!
Before that, I will have to skim through my Biology 2 first so that I can enjoy my meal tonight *grins*
Lastly, I am hungry!! Ah Ling, cepat masak ><
4th day of the final exam
Since I have my Biology 2 paper tomorrow afternoon only and there is nothing to read for the writing paper this afternoon, I had cast myself in the bed from 8pm yesterday till 7am today^^ *In very high spirit now*
Go go go!!! 2 more papers left!! Then I am graduated from this INTO intensive Foundation course!!!
What is next? HOME!
Biology 2 Friday 2.00-4.00pm
This is my last paper in my final exam!!! HURRAY!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
He is funny
Listening paper was very similar to the listening paper in last exam== and it was so dull listening to the same tape, same stories, same speakers and same conversations. Bored me to sleep *nearly* hehe!
Although the listening was similar, BUT who remembered the content of the tape? So although it was similar, I will still make the same mistakes and we did not know what mistakes had we made in the last listening exam. point and no benefits gained
*Grin* LET IT BE
I saw something today. Something irritating. Erm..kind of.
Jasmine sat in front of me and he sat beside Jasmine. He cheated for the both papers. He was very interested in the paper of his friend. He kept on making sounds to get his friend's attention but why not the inspector?
You speak fluent English, better than mine. You speak English in your own country, probably, better than me. You cheat, I dont. We did not know how to do the questions, you cheated, I did it myself. *sweat* Should think about it right? Shame on you.
AND did you know that your whispering was annoying? Jasmine and I can hardly concentrate. Be considerable!
Anyway, should not be irritated by him. I have done my Biology 1, Listening and Reading!!!!! Going to have gooood sleep tonight. Start studying tomorrow lar. Relax and indulge myself. Oh, it is raining, should be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry comfortable! *grins*
Before that, fill my stomach first. ( emphasise deliberately for ah huang)
Have a nice day!
Biology 1, DONE!
luckily!!! Luckily what? Luckily I did not burn the midnight oil last night^^ Not that the paper was easy, the questions were testing on my thinking and applications instead of all theories=)
I am now at Joyce's place. Joyce is going to cook maggie mee for me as my brunch! I like asking Joyce to cook for me, haha! She's funny^^
I have my Listening and Reading test later. Thus, fill my stomach first *grins*
Dear daddy, this is my timetable tomorrow ya, I did not cheat old man=)
Writing 2.00pm-3.30pm
Maggie mee! I am coming~!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Chem and Math, DONE!
I have done my Chemistry and Manth & Statistics paper today. How was it? Fine, dad and mum, I did finish all the questions, AT LEAST=)
Before I have forgotten, I have done a very silly mistake in my Chemistry paper.
"Draw the skeletal formula of Compound X and its trans-isomer. "
I did it correct at first but my second thought drove me mad. I drew the skeletal formula for both compounds== How blur am I.
ANYWAY, let bygones be bygones! *radiant smile*
Have not discovered any mistakes in Math & Statistics YET*grins*
Going to have Biology 1 paper, English listening and reading test tomorrow! Go Go Go BIO! ^^
Biology 1 9.30am-11.30am
Listening and Reading 2.00pm-5.00pm
Monday, July 27, 2009
Jun, go back to study!!!
Buzzing around every corner of the net and finally I am here. Should get back to my studies after few more minutes >< FIGHTING FIGHTING!!!!
Bye to dolphins^^
I like looking at the teachers while giving my presentation. They noded and smiled to me, thus giving me more power and confidence. Thank you Helen and Karen=)
Dolphin presentation was now a history. Move on to my Chemistry and Maths & Statistics. Fighting!!!! Yosh!!!
I am going to have my rice and curry dinner first! Ah ling is waiting^^ Yummy!!
1st day of finals
What do I have for my first day? English Presentation on Dolphins!! They are considered as the most intelligent marine animal, sounds interesting right?
I am going to talk about their sexuality, breeding and nursing! Very interesting! *grins*
Do you know male dolphins will present their dates with gifts? Yoohoo...! Just like human!
Wish myself good luck then! Pumping C gas into my body cavity, not carbon dioxide, it' s the gas of COURAGE=)
Have a nice day!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Exam? Home!
When am I going home then? The week after next ^^ Dear Jia, it is 5th of August!!! Remember!!! You hurt me=(
How fast is it right? Dad and mum, Jia and Wen, miss you soooooo muuuuch!!!!! Wen, tidy up your room which is supposed to be my room yea, I am going to occupy the bed which was used to be mine^^
I am going to dissect Chemistry first!! Here I come, Sriyani^^
Hot water in Henderson Hall is finally fixed. Hot water is ON! The gas pipe repairing was finally done^^ It is today, it's today, today, 24th of July!!
Thanks for those who repaired the gas pipe, those who cleaned the OLD Hall bathrooms and thanks to my dear Mr. Hot Water^^ You are really hot!! =)
Friends in HH, enjoy yourself ya=)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A small kiddie kept on pressing the STOP button and he stopped everyone going down the stairs of the bus when the bus stopped by standing at the stairs, refused to move downward. (People have to walk down the stairs from the upper floor of the bus to get off the bus) The bus moved on before the people on the upper floor could get off the bus.
If you were those people, would you be angry and start scolding? I should say that these people in the bus was not annoyed with the kid. At all.
The small kid was not playing tricks on those people, he was just innocent of what he was doing and kept on crying. The father of the kid was not angry as well. He kept on coaxing and persuading the kid to walk down the stairs.
Meanwhile, I thought of a question, if this happened in Malaysia, or I should say, happened on me myself, my dad had probably forced me down the stairs or maybe gave me a whack on the butt. XD
not going to spoil my dad's image here, just giving an example. *grin*
Why is there a difference? Same event happens on different people might result in different ways. It really gets me. @@
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sleeping? Eating? Watching movies? Chit-chating? Pondering over some matters? Missing someone else?
How are you my dear old friends? Are you guys all in pink? Having fun with the life you are living in? Still reminiscing our sweet and bitter past?
How are you my new friends? Are we going to miss the time we spent together here? About the things we crap and joked about? About the foolish things we had done? About the last-minute-assignment?
Since we are going to separate to different places and leave each other, I am going to miss you all...*sniff*
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Bravo! Banana!
Banana contributes in environment conserving believe or not?
Since I am so interested in banana recently, I found some news about banana.
"UK scientists say that banana waste can be moulded into a type of briquette that can be used for cooking, lighting and heating."
Well done banana!^^
My mother had urged me to cook myself a chicken soup, but I kept on shelving the plan><>ikan busuk? Kangkung as well!
It had been a long time since I had a nice dinner!!! *burp* =)
Predicting: Going to have the another half of the chicken again tonight. *drool* May treat the chicken with 八丁massage^^
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Banana again? ^^
Potassium? Whenever she said about potassium, I thought of the potassium in banana. Rachelle (our biology teacher) said that banana contains a lot of potassium. So what?!
I ate a lot of banana these days. Although I am not a plant, but can the potassium help me to bear flowers? I mean...招桃花? Ah, anyway, just a joke for this cold and chilling night=)
Have a smile or....a gasp instead? XD
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A letter from Princess Flu
When the magic is applied, Jun's sneezing can be heard all night. Her blood is not supplying enough heat througout her body. Her blood ciculatory system does not functions well. Mr. Heater in her room is not functioning. Mrs. Warm Water in the bathroom is not functioning. Everything stops functioning.
Jun has paid a lot to hire Mr H and Mrs WW. However, they are controlled entirely by a witch with evil magic who live in Henderson Hall.
Jun is going to get a flu if the condition remains. Swine flu?? To spread the disease to the witch?
Help! Princess Flu needs someone to save her from the evil clench of the witch.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Isabelle Kelling
How amazing Isabelle is. She had recently watched an episode of Tweenies and learnt how to dial 999. She managed to open the door and let in the neighbours and the paramedics.
Cheers to Isabelle for her ability to retain knowledge and information.^^
In conclusion, watching television is harmless and have more pros to cons. hahaha! This is the main point of this post.=)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Oh yea, why am I updating my blog outside my room? Because I have no internet access in my room. However, I can connect to the line once I step out of my room. Sounds ridiculous, right?
Compared to those in INTEC, INTI or whatever college, yours are much much better^^ i heard that those in matriculation cant even online right? poor Rochelle^^
A letter to ah huang and atine
That person came to me and cried. She was very sad and said that you guys accused her for not studying and spent times on blogging.
Thus, she wanted me to upload this for her. She said that this was the note she had made one night. She was so hardworking revising her studies.
i thought she was bragging as well. Shame on her.
She told me that this is a synapse, a place where two neurons meet in our nervous system. When I asked her what is a neuron, she said that it is the basic unit of a nervous system.
Lastly, she wanted ah huang and atine said sorry to her as soon as possible. ^^
Anyway, ah huang and atine, i think you can just ignore her, she was just too free to be so emo XD
A testament from a banana
I heard that she bought my friends and I at 1 pound. Usually, she eats one of us per day, sometimes, she takes two.
I understand that she eats us because she loves us, thus, I should be grateful. I am proud that I will be eaten by her instead of eaten by a monkey.
Before I dedicate my life to her, I am happy that she had taken a portrait of me.
Friday, July 10, 2009
You are right, Joyce, I have a banana this morning as my very early breakfast^^
What's my lunch? I planned to have another banana as my lunch, but I changed my mind, having some chips now^^
Rachelle (my biology teacher) said banana provides us potassium. It's good, isnt it?
What about too much bananas? Rachelle said again, too much bananas cause heart disorder==
"...the potassium forces fluids in your bowel to enter the tissues and blood stream and consequently dehydrate the bowel...consequently making you constipated."
I thought mummy told me that eat more bananas if I have constipation?
Lack of topic, so I have choosen banana as my latest topic^^
Britain Green Day
Surprisingly, I noticed about it on the newspaper.
I have not read a Metro Newspaper since...last month? I did not know what inspire me to take one copy today.
"Friday is when everyone starts working together to cut our carbon footprint in time for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games."
2009-07-10 is the first Friday for Britain Green Day and it is expected to become an annual event. Let's fly a green flag!!
Again, surpringly, I am so concerned about environment. Do Malaysia have someday like Malaysia Green Day? I doubted. It may have and it should have.
I am so sorry that I know so less about Malaysia. *grin*
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Spent a subtotal of 18.13 pounds and a total of 20.85 pounds after adding up the tax. Tax? I did not even realise it before I took a look at the receipt.
Daddy and mummy wont mind for me to spend much on 'once-a-month-chicken-meal' right? ^^ but maybe they will mind the fats accumulated in my body XD
Before the chicken meal, I went to Grainger market and bought some FRUITS! Apples, strawberries and bananaS. I bought 3 apples since mummy said it was good to have an apple as breakfast, 3 punnets of strawberries for 1pound, and estimated 1 kilogram of bananaS. They just sold them in a bag for 1 pound. I am going to be a monkey this month XD
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Cash back claim
First happy news I received early in the morning^^ Finally it is successful, HURRAY!!
Thanks to Sharon and Jasmine^^ Many thanks!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thank you Ah Ling^^
Heavy Rain in Newcastle
Saw the raindrops on the window?
Ok, it is not weird to have thunder and heavy rain in Malaysia. BUT it is weird here mah, for me^^ Enjoyed the rain and cool breeze. This was on Sunday.
There is heavy rain again today. The point is I forgot my umbrella, it was lying comfortably on my table..=( I was drenched and cold and the bus passed by when I reached the bus stop! No choice, could only wait in the cold.
"How could you forgot to bring along your umbrella? Should bring along your umbrella no matter it is sunny or rainy. Go and have some hot drinks and 2 pills. Do not get fever and flu as there is a pandemic outbreak of H1N1 now..."
Thank you for the nagging. I saw your love in the nag=) You know who are you^^Thank you, hehe! Do not get touched.
Daddy mee
Nothing special. Daddy mee my mum sent here, plus some tomatoes (in red) and lettuce (green). I doubt if there is any Daddy Mee here. Maybe mummy should recommend to her tauke^^
Gala Casino's'
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Oh please where ever I go today,
May my heart touch a lonely neighbor
I shall go out today
很多人常会有一种误判,觉得自己在气势上一定得强压过别人,才能显出自己的了不起,但这样的方式往往适得其反, 让人在背后斥之以鼻而自己却浑然不知。
可不是吗? 所谓的「强者」,其定义是指「能力强的人」,而不是指「态度强硬的人」,
学会适时地"弯腰", 学会适时地用「理直气和」来代替「理直气壮」,
Taken from:
Saturday, July 4, 2009
发现 每一页全都是 经典
期待 一次美好的阴天
手牵著手 肩靠肩
谢怡帆,郑雅宁,陈孟渊,陈韵如,林秀霞,张维芝,林翠,田文蒂,黄贝淇,丁义伦,俞志联,孙展荣,徐崇益, 江承瀚。。。
Friday, July 3, 2009
They are so colourful, arent they? Awesome^^ It is going to be a very good experience of mine.=)
Dad and mum, for your information, meiosis is the cell division of gametes. And I am sure that you will find out what is meiosis right? wahaha!
'Tour guide'

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Skip skip skip^^
It is a good start so I want to tell you a good news! I skipped English class today and Joyce is now in the class. Poor Joyce. *evil grin* I failed to tempt her to skip the class as well *sigh* Ooops, daddy, dont scold me for skipping class ah^^because...em...i have told mummy before i skipped the class, hahaha! Ok, ah huang, i know you are used to me skipping class in Malaysia, but, come on, this is my SECOND time only *blush*
I have got my chemistry assignment and mid-semester exam paper back today. Guess what? Not very brilliant with the number starting with 9, but i got 8. 87 for my assignment and 82 for my test paper*grin* I used to aim for higher, but i realise Knowing Enough and being Content Always! Gambate for the final exam lor, there's still a chance! Hehe!
The deadline of chemistry assignment is tomorrow and Bio2 field trip report on Friday. My assignment is still blank, and I just start off a bit of the report. Jasmine had handed in the assignment, mum, see how lazy your daughter is, but that's me!! I will definitely hand in everything on time, I am very convinced! ^^
Gona have a quick nap and continue my assignments^^ My first post of my blog is accomplished! Hurray!!!